You’re definitely going to be surprised to know that some common citizens of North Korea have access to the internet, but not like the high ranking government officials who have access to the (World Wide Web) that we use. However, it is run by the state intranet authority called Kwangmyong which only displays state-approved content such as News channels, weather forecasts, educational material, and games, yes games. Some universities also have strictly monitored computers who have access to the internet for educational purposes. Local internet is filled with propaganda about their supreme leader Kim Jong Un to keep their people far away from reality.
According to Matthew Bryant on GitHub On Sept 19, 2016 at approximately 10:00PM (PDT), one of North Korea’s top level name-servers was accidentally configured to allow global DNS zone transfers. Which temporarily allowed anyone to get a list of North Korean websites. Most of the websites have always been accessible by the outside world but due to this mistake more site has been discovered. There are all kind of website’s from news channels, cooking sites to Kim Il Sung University. Surprisingly most of the sites have also few different language translation for us to understand, let’s see at some of them.
Korean Association of Social Scientists